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Querying Data (Live Tracking)

To perform a query send a GET request to the https://your-domain.local/query endpoint, set the URL parameter db as the target database, and set the URL parameter q as your query. is based on the time series database InfluxDB. Each user comes with their own database. The database name is the same as the user name.

If you want to learn more about the InfluxDB HTTP API, you can read the official documentation.

[GET] /query

The example below uses the HTTP API to query the same database that you encountered in Writing Data.

The user public with password livetracking always has read access to all data.

curl -u "public:livetracking" -G 'https://your-domain.local/query?db=test' \
  --data-urlencode 'q=SELECT * FROM samples'

InfluxDB returns JSON. The results of your query appear in the "results" array. If an error occurs, InfluxDB sets an "error" key with an explanation of the error.

Query String Parameters


Required! The database name is the username.




SELECT <field_key>[,<field_key>] FROM <measurement_name> [WHERE_clause]

Always use the measurement name: samples Note the spaces and comma.

Field keys are the same as when writing data.

A detailed description of the syntax used can be found in the InfluxDB Help.

Example to see data from the last 10 minutes:

SELECT * FROM samples WHERE time > now() - 10m


Optional. Everything is stored and reported in UTC. By default, timestamps are returned in RFC3339 UTC and have nanosecond precision, for example 2016-08-12T20:15:14.318570484Z. If you want timestamps in Unix epoch format include in your request the query string parameter epoch.

  • ns = nanoseconds
  • u = microsecond
  • ms = milliseconds
  • s = seconds (A good precision for live tracking)
  • m = minutes
  • h = hours

For example, get epoch in seconds with:

curl -u "public:livetracking" -G 'https://your-domain.local/query' \
  --data-urlencode 'db=test'
  --data-urlencode 'epoch=s'
  --data-urlencode 'q=SELECT * FROM samples'



An example to display the data on a web page can be found at this link: