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This describes the resources that make up the Live Tracking HTTP API.


All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed from the https://your-domain.local. All data is sent as JSON.

If you installed the back end software on your own server, of course, the URL changes.


Many API methods take parameters. Which parameters are expected exactly will be described in detail:

New User:

User Data:

Edit User:

Live Tracking:


There is only one way to authenticate through API:

  • HTTP Basic authentication (BA)

You can find more details in Wikipedia.

Requests that require authentication will return 401 Unauthorized. If the login failed 403 Forbidden is returned.

Without username and password:

curl -i https://your-domain.local/user
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized


With username and password:

curl -i https://your-domain.local/user -u foo:bar12345
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden



If your request received HTTP status code 200 or 204, it was a success!


There are three possible types of errors on API calls. Each type of error has its own HTTP status code. Depending on the type of error, further details are output.

HTTP Status Code:

  • 400, 404 and 405: Client error
  • 401 and 403: Authentication error
  • 500: The system is overloaded or significantly impaired

For status code 400, object errors is return with an array of error codes.

curl --data "username=test" https://your-domain.local/register
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

  "errors": [

Error Codes (Detail):

  • USERNAME_DOUBLE: The username is already used.
  • INVALIDATE_USERNAME: The username is not valid. It must be at least 4 characters and can be up to 20 characters long. It can only contain characters (a-z) and numbers.
  • INVALIDATE_PASSWORD: The entered password is invalid. The password must be at least 8 characters long.
  • INVALIDATE_NEW_PASSWORD: The entered new password is invalid. The password must be at least 8 characters long.'
  • USERNAME_NOT_FOUND: Username could not be found.
  • SELF_TALK: Self talk?
  • FORBIDDEN: The entered password is not correct.

Cross Origin Resource Sharing

The API supports Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for AJAX requests from any origin. You can read the CORS W3C Recommendation, or this Wikipedia article.